We can conclude that nothing has changed. In fact, Christmas ideas such as charity, forgiveness, a clean slate, a new beginning, peace or even hospitality are further away than ever these days. But this year Pondertone are tackling the Christmas depression with a cheerful song. Even though, as usual with Pondertone, nothing is what it seems.
In Christmas as Usual I try to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. Why is there always so much hustle and bustle in December? Why does mommy have a headache? Why does daddy watch Die Hard every year at Christmas? And why is there even more violence on the news?
You can see us play Christmas (and three others) live on December 16, at Paradiso (upper room) Amsterdam. See the agenda for more info.
You can listen to Christmas As Usual (the album) on Spotify and all other streaming platforms, including our bandcamp page and watch the new video (and the older ones) on our youtube channel.

New album Meanwhile out now
MEANWHILE is out now. A new album consisting material from the Pondertone archives, including live recordings made for VPRO-radio and of a performance in the upstairs hall of Paradiso Amsterdam in 2005. That same year, Pondertone was named as ‘one of the coolest bands in the Netherlands’ and our album SNAKE & APACOLIPS ‘a Dutch masterpiece’ by Kindamuzik magazine. In addition, MEANWHILE contains a number of songs from the unreleased album FATE PRESTO (2005), demos and rarities. All tracks from the album have been remixed by Roel Jorna and mastered by Martijn Groeneveld (Mailmen Studios). You can listen to it now on our bandcamp. Please check out the new merch as well, it includes a large poster screen printed by the hands of Patrick Tersteeg.

Pondertone Christmas 2023
Anyone hoping for a new Pondertone Christmas song this year will will be disappointed. I’m sorry, I don’t have anything to say this year that I haven’t said before. Pondertone’s ‘new’ Christmas album is literally old wine in a new bottle. For the artwork I used sketches that I found too depressing last year. The gray, pixelated image you see may appear to show christmas trees but what you see actually is a forest fire. Merry Christmas (in spite of it all) contains all 12 Christmas songs we have made over the years. You can listen to the album on our bandcamp page or any streaming platform of your choice.
You can watch the playlist with all our christmas videos on youtube.
Our favorite Christmas blog Christmas Agogo posted an extensive blogpost in which I share my thoughts about the ins and outs of our tracks.
merry christmas (in spite of it all)

Merry Christmas in spite of it all
Pondertone offers hope in these extraordinarily dark times. In the context of rising prices and inflation, we defy the dark with the shortest Christmas song ever. We’ve crammed all our hopes, love, and strength into one minute, for you. In spite of it all, the Christmas feeling is still alive, if we only want it. 
Live concert: Hold On, Pondertone’s Poging Tot Een Grootste Hits Show.
Pondertone probeerde een lichtje te schijnen in deze donkere tijden middels een Poging Tot Een Grootste Hits Show, met een paar speciale verrassingen. Het werd live gestreamd vanaf de prachtige Marnix-zaal in Utrecht. Je kunt de volledige show bekijken op de Facebook pagina van DUMS.
Hold On
Are you in lock down, feeling lonely and waiting for better days? Meet Lummel, just like many of us he had a pretty rough year. At one point he had to self isolate away from his beloved friend Woelie and their pet dog Kiki. But he got through it alright. If you want to know how, watch the video on youtube, listen to the song on one of the major streaming platforms and sing along if you like. It will make you feel better.
Ga mee met de Tijdmachine
Laat je meenemen naar ‘Die Goeie Ouwe Tijd’ met de Pondertone Time Machine. Beleef de jaren 1998 – 2003 opnieuw, in twintig minuten. Dat waren de dagen van voorspoed en mogelijkheden. Maar ook eenzaamheid en verlangen … Beschikbaar op alle digitale platforms. Op onze bandcamppagina kun je een digitale of fysieke replica van het Tijdmachine-schetsboek bestellen.
The new Christmas song is not a happy one. It reflects the mood I’m in this time of year. In the dark days of December we seem to forget what is going on around us. It seems we can’t learn form the past. Instead of joining hands to help each other and save the planet, we quibble, quarrel and fight about our own short term problems. While the climate is changing at top speed, people are starving and war is raging, populism, nationalism, and even fascism are taking the stage again. Let’s make a change now. Let there be light. You can listen to The Darkest Christmas Of All on all streaming services and download it from all platforms except Amazon. On Spotify it has been added to the Playlist containing all Pondertone Christmas songs. Please watch the video on youtube.
Op 21 oktober vierde Pondertone het twintigjarig jubileum met een exclusief optreden in Villa Concordia Utrecht. A splendid time was had by all.
8 juli: Struinen In De Tuinen
Op 8 juli staat de Pondertone Tijdmachine opgesteld in de gezellige binnentuin ‘Fummy’ aan de 2e Daalsedijk in Utrecht tijdens Struinen in de Tuinen. Op die dag neem ik je mee naar die Goeie Ouwe Tijd, de periode 1998 – 2003. Het was een tijd van vooruitgang, groei en verandering. Er was nog geen bankencrisis, vluchtelingen waren nog gewoon welkom en David Bowie en Drs. P leefden nog.
In de Tijdmachine speel ik een aantal Pondertone-liedjes uit die tijd. Ik zing over eenzaamheid, verlies en verdriet en begeleid mezelf daarbij op mijn oude gitaar, de Stofbol. Tijdens de optredens kun je bladeren in de logboeken van de Tijdmachine en kijken naar kroegtekeningen, schetsen en hersenspinsels. Geen paniek, uiteindelijk komt het allemaal min of meer goed en reizen we gelouterd terug naar het heden.